Our “Best Of” contest is a community event in which members of the community are invited to vote for their favorite businesses in a variety of categories. The categories may include restaurants, retail stores, service providers, and other types of businesses.
To participate in the contest, businesses must be nominated by members of the community. Once the nominations have been collected, a panel of judges will review the nominees and select a shortlist of finalists in each category.
The community is then invited to cast their votes for their favorite businesses from the shortlist. Voting can take place online or in-person at designated polling stations.
After the voting period has ended, the results are tabulated and the winners are announced at a special ceremony. The winning businesses are recognized for their excellence and may receive awards or other forms of recognition.
The “Best Of” contest is a great way for the community to show support for local businesses and recognize their contributions to the city. It can also serve as a guide for locals and visitors alike, helping them discover new and popular businesses in the area.
To get notified when the “Best Of” contest goes live, enter your information below:
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