Make the most of your next event with Open Air!

We specialize in turning your event into a long-term business driver!

Open Air Photo Booth is specifically designed to help you capitalize on your events using our custom OpenAir photos.

While our simple 5-foot photo stand enables your patrons to have a quick photo shoot, it also captures their information to immediately deliver their digital pictures on mobile!

The images will include your branding and promotions, and are shareable to Social Media with just a click!

Our promos reach on average 2,500 local people for every 100 guests at the event...
Example of one of our partner’s events

As you can see, our photo booth will be a blast for your patrons and also prompt them to share their experience of the event with the world! In this case the promotion is for one free drink on weekdays, is very visible, and focused on driving business to you during slow times.

Benefits During Your Event

Our event templates make each and every picture hands free, both for taking the picture, and to receive it on your mobile.

This eliminates concern for cleanliness and reduces long-lines!

Photos are retrievabl using a simple QR code (so every one in a group picture can grab their pictures at once) and are subsequently prompted to share them with just 1-click!

This takes your brand, sponsors, and promotions, beyond your “four walls”, to the effect of around 25x the impressions on your event pictures than the people who actually visit.

Best of all, because social media platforms focus more on local friends than any one else, it will be mostly local people who see your event pictures; more likely to visit your establishment, today (expanding your event), and tomorrow (for your promotion)!

Open Air works in partnership with Every event an Open Air Booth is hired for will become a spotlight on the website front-page to advertise the Event ahead of time, for free.

GreaterCocoa is quickly becoming the go-to centralized place for all news, events, and fun for the local Greater Cocoa area.

If you join the Affiliate Membership at only $99/mo, you’ll also have a post-event spotlight written about your event as a News piece on the site, which will further drive your promotion!

Other membership benefits include 20% off all future Open Air events, 20% off web-advertising, free inclusion for all events in the Weekly GreaterCocoa Event Digest and more…

Holistic Local Event-Driven Business Expansion

For more information on our services, you may reach out to our team!Want to book Open Air for an upcoming event? Click here to do so!

Open Air partnered with Greater Cocoa will ensure the most effective local marketing in the most simple manner! Reach out today: